Tuesday, June 10, 2008

CLASS ASSIGMENTS ° ° Reading Exercises° °

Living with mother.......Pag 43....

A. After you read

Check (x) the best summary of the text.

The answer is 3. The articule is about the Moscue, Who live in southwest China.

This is the correct answers because is the most general idea about the family life un Moscue, also the Tseta Dashi history is only an example for explane the live un China.

B. Write the number of the family members in the correct houses.

House A

1. Tsea Dashi
4. Tsea Dashi's mother
13. Tsea Dashi's mother brothers
6. Tsea Dashi's brothers
9. Pizuchuma, Tsea Dashi's sister
11.Pizuchuma's two daugther

House B
5. Tsea Dashi's father
12.Tsea Dashi's father's mother

House C
7. Tsea Dashi's older brother's children.
8. Tsea Dashi's older brother's wife.

Hose D
10.Pizuchuma's husband
14.Pizuchuma's mother- in- law.

House E
2.Tsea Dashi's wife
3.Tsea Dashi's Daugther

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