Thursday, June 19, 2008

° °Argumentative Essay ° ° Module 2 Values criminals have

What happened with criminal's Values?
"Values criminals have"

A criminal is a person who commits illegal acts, hurts innocent people and goes against all laws of a country. Criminals have no firm values therefore there is nothing to help them take right decisions at critical moments of their lives.

Firstly, means moral value everything that leads men to defend and grow in their personal dignity. The moral value leads to good morals. Let us remember that what is good improvement, improves, complete.

In contrast the values are grown in the family, most criminals are people who have had no family affection, had no affection, child abuse both psychologically and physically. For this reason esque these people forget their values. Among the 10 most wanted criminals find an Asiatic named Felicien Kabuga, a war criminal, architect of the Genocide in Cambodia in 1993 and other named Fashan Camboshi accused of illegal trafficking of women for prostitution.

Finally, the criminals have values at the time they are born but not those values are cultivated while growing up, besides the lack of money also, as discussed crimes that go against the values that are cultivated.

This video represent the prostitution in Cambodia, how the criminals sell the woman or childrens who have since 8 years old....

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